Gordon & Barbara in Paris

Gordon & Barbara in Paris
Here's Looking at YOU

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Danish Girl

The Danish Girl—Directed by Tom Hooper/Story by David Ebershoff/Music Composed by Alexandre Desplat/starring Eddie Redmayne, Alicia Vikander/2 hrs/rated R

Bifocal Reviews written by Ageless1der Barbara Rich & The Other Guy

(BR): My initial reaction to this film was that it was too long. After getting past the barbaric and primitive way that transgender people were viewed in this time period, it reminded me of Benedict Cumberbatch and his plight as depicted, as a homosexual in The Imitation Game. However, after a day or so I realized the real story was one of unconditional love. Both Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander’s characters portrayed two very important sides of this tale. Their performances left me genuinely moved, as they evolved from a happily married heterosexual couple into a relationship that transcended sexuality. I was so impressed with their performances that I was shocked to see the credits of some of the others actors who were, apparently, in this film. They all complemented the lead performances, which were, naturally the meat of the story. The seasonings blended well, making for a memorable main course. I still think they could have cut, at least ten minutes from this film. I loved the setting and the panorama of the scenery. I give this film a solid four binoculars.

(OG): This film was too long and left me feeling unsatisfied…even though I came into the theater with nothing but high hopes and positive expectations. Vikander is a very skilled actress. I don’t believe she’s being given enough credit for the wachability (hey, I made up a new word!)…the watchability of The Danish Girl. Without her, I don’t think I could have tolerated this movie for the full two hours. To me, Eddie Redmayne seemed like he was acting the whole time. If he didn’t believe his own performance 100%, then how am I supposed to believe it? True, The Danish Girl shed light on a persistent, human character-flaw…that of prejudice and ignorance being allowed to perpetuate the repression of a segment of our sexual society that happens to not meet primitive and barbaric standards…but in a movie, intentions count for little. I don’t want to pay good money for a “nice try.” I did enjoy the scenery though, so I’ll go with two and one half binoculars out of five.

NOTE: Please go to Legends-Legacies.com to see all our reviews and other "Adventures in Entertainment."

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