Gordon & Barbara in Paris

Gordon & Barbara in Paris
Here's Looking at YOU

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Phantom(s) of the Dr's Office

Bifocal Reviews—Dr. Mark Jason Concert Procedure

(B) Is there an upside to Osteoporosis? I’ve tried everything, but things happen when you get older and with a sensitive stomach, I’m not a good candidate for some of the oral products. However, I was offerent an opportunity to try Reclast, an infusion that I will get once a year. What could be more pleasant than sitting in a Lazy Boy chair, with your feet up, and an IV drip in your arm, while listening to a private, live concert? Well, that’s exactly what happened. I was pleasantly surprised by the service and the special attention took my mind off of the needle in my arm. The short video below, speaks for itself.

(G) As usual, Barbara and I are sitting next to one another while she is having this experience. Thanks to my new iPhone (that she got me for my birth-month) I was able to capture this unique experience. Dr. Jason began the concert with his own composition and then, another patient came in (Mr. Wilbur) and was asked to play as well. It was the most unique medical experience I’ve ever had, and you can see that Barbara was completely entertained, taking her attention away from the dreaded needle. After all, we know that she is very sensitive and kind of a baby. As for me (the worried spouse), knowing that she was not concentrating on the needle, allowed me to be entertained as well. Dr. Jason and the guest musician were really quite good.

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