Hateful Eight—3 hrs 7 mins/written and directed by Quentin Tarantino/ starring
Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer
Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Michael Madsen, Tim Roth, Bruce Dern, Demián
Bichir, James Parks/rated R
Reviews written by Ageless1der
Barbara Rich & The Other Guy
Like so many films this year, much of what made it to the screen should have
spent more time on the cutting room floor. It took too long to get this film
started. If I was laying in bed, resting, I probably would have enjoyed the
scenery more; I just didn’t like sitting up for that long, watching horse
hooves and snowy hillsides. The only part of this movie I liked was when the “mystery”
started to unfold in a flashback sequence. Then, however, I started thinking, “Maybe
he should have started the movie right here, near the end.” At the end, as
expected, there was the signature Tarantino blood bath. I can only give this
movie two binoculars.
Twenty minutes into this movie, when all that had happened was that a few of the
main characters had met one another and boarded a stagecoach (in a snowstorm)
together, I said to Barbara, “This is why this film is going to be more than
three hours.” There was no reason for this movie to be this long. At the end, I
realized that this was kind of like Kill Bill, western style with a slight
homage to Cat Ballou…and in the unpolished style of Tarantino. Kill Bill was a
saga that was told in two films. Hateful Eight tried to get the job done in one.
In addition to the usual bloody carnage, this film also had more than it’s
share of other gory tissue splatters and bodily function sprays, stretching the
length of the movie even further for no good reason. Naturally, Samuel L.
Jackson was great. With lots of practice, he knows how to make the most of a
Tarantino character…same for Michael Madsen, and really, all the rest of the
actors especially Jennifer Jason Leigh. I didn’t hate the Hateful Eight, but I’m
sure I didn’t enjoy watching it, as much as Quentin enjoyed writing, directing,
or profiting from it. I give this film two binoculars.
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