The Martian—2 hrs 22 mins/ directed by Ridley Scott/ screenplay by Drew Goddard/ Starring
Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Jeff Daniels/ rated PG-13
Bifocal Reviews written by Ageless1der Barbara Rich & The Other Guy
I don’t know what to say about The Martian. It’s not really my kind of movie.
It kind of laid flat for me but even at that, it left me questioning humanity’s
quirky behaviors. Why would the world ban together to save one astronaut’s
life, even while risking the lives of many others? That premise of this film is
what appears to be drawing enthusiastic fans to this movie (even the Other Guy
in the review below, for example), but it just made me feel like there are so
many deserving people on this planet, right now, who need and deserve our help,
who we should be banding together to rescue from so many real and immediate
problems…Why doesn’t that sense of human responsibility permeate into real
problems and real lives? Is it the media, the big budget movie marketing that
makes us all want to be heroes? Or, is this something that is built in? Maybe
I’m not getting my point across. Human beings often work together to save
others, from danger, armies, or the Earth itself (as with miners who have been
trapped in a shaft). I just feel like the everyday friend, parent, stranger,
who brings even one human being back from the edge of sadness or despair with a
smile, a joke or a gesture that changes the course that one human life for the
better…aren’t they really the heroes who we should be trying to emulate? Isn’t that
worth making a movie about? I give the film itself only two binoculars.
I think I probably liked the idea of
this film as much, or perhaps a little more than I liked watching the actual, whole
thing. I don’t know what’s going on with filmmakers these days, but everything
I’ve seen lately (with the exception of a very few, such as YOUTH) is simply
too much bang for the buck. Cutting what I felt was an extra twenty-two minutes
may have made a difference, but it’s hard to say. Anyway, what I liked was the
premise that human beings care about one another so much, that if one person is
left on Mars, we would all join forces to save them. I have faith in humanity
and believe that this film caters to what is good in people, and highlights a
positive core characteristic in a way that few other films have ever done.
Then, of course, you have Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and
Jeff Daniels in another Ridley Scott crafted visual. I give this film three and
½ binoculars. It’s well worth it.