Argo--Directed by Ben Affleck/Starring Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, Bryan Cranston, John Goodman/screenplay written by Chris Terrio from an article, Escape from Tehran written by Joshuah Bearman/rated R/2hrs
Bifocal Review by Ageless1der, Barbara Rich
And The Other Guy
(B) You get two for the price of one with Argo, a comedy and an intense suspense film. When American hostages were captured, (in 1979 on November 4, 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days) six escaped and found refuge in the Canadian Embassy in Tehran. The movie, Argo answers the question: How do we get this six out of Tehran and back to the United States while the other hostages are being held elsewhere?
According to the Affleck film, a genius plan is contrived to make a fake movie to sneak those trapped in the Embassy out while they pose as a movie crew. The producers of this fake movie, played by John Goodman and Alan Arkin, are hilarious Hollywood archetypes! This part is played as a comedy within itself, but Ben Affleck’s character (who also directs the actual film) masterfully pivots this film to an intense suspense story as he negotiates through the many dangers to get these six hostages out safely. I find this
Hybrid comedy/intrigue movie works well for me. It was just enough of both genres. I recommend this film and give it 3 ½ binoculars!
(OG) Perhaps because of the comedy puzzle within an adventure enigma quality that Barbara talks about above, Ben Affleck’s film is able to keep the viewer in suspense even though we may know (as I did) about the outcome of the real-life hostage crisis that occurred in 1979. As far as that goes, there was not much mention of the 52 Americans who suffered far worse indignities than having to shack up with Canadians, and who were captive for 444 days. On the other hand, Alan Arkin and John Goodman’s banter was priceless. Affleck will probably be only one of several Academy Award nominees here. I liked the film from the credits, which doesn’t often happen. I could see there was going to be a good deal of overlap between reality and poetic license as documentary and even cartoon drawings were dissolved over one another at both the outset and during the end credits. All of the suspense, beyond the fact that six Americans were indeed smuggled out of Iran disguised as a film production crew, was derived from the very well drawn script that relied on great directing and acting. Definitely this one is worth three binoculars.
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