We are proud to have joined forces with L&L Magazine to display our best work. The online magazine was released today, with the following information:
Dana Stamos (managing editor), Frank Dux (editor at large) and Gordon Richiusa (editor) have joined with a host of special editors (Lynda Lee [photo editor], Ed Rampell [entertainment editor], Ben Schultz [music editor], columnists [Bifocal Reviews with Barbara Rich], writers and other special help (Facebook page for all comments) to produce the premier online issue of L&L (legends and legacies) Magazine.
This issue represents the first in a quarterly cycle online that will lead annually to a printed version of our best stories. We are also looking to produce a network and/or web based broadcast version of our unique, non-biased journalism for a broad audience through multiple media delivery modes. Our commitment is to mutual benefit and journalistic integrity. Included in this first edition you’ll find FEATURES the Cover Page. Topics include:
1) EDUCATION: a. An interview Scott Hines (World Education University), b. articles on Correctional Education, c. comments from newly elected Chancellor of California Community Colleges and d. op ed from former military educator, John Gates
2) SUSTAINABILITY: a. profile of EcoSpan, b. alternative energy c. PLARR homes.
3) HUMAN INTERACTION WITH NATURE: Dolphins and Whales, Eagles, Wolf People and Bullfighting
4) CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Gun Control or More firearms practice?
5) POSSIBILITIES: Profile of Redefine What’s Possible Team-Captain, Don Lewis 1st senior motorcycle champion at the Score Baja 1000 off road race.
Also: * Interviews and profiles with Oliver Stone, Adair Lion, Tia Carrere and others
**An Interview with Donald Trump (to be added this week/ by Frank Dux)
***Bifocal Reviews: The World’s Best Pizza, Anasazi Ruins, New Orleans, Richard Gere in Arbitrage, The Gradual Diet, Steve Galvanoni’s Business Message in a Bottle Guadalajara, Recording of Historical Pacoima Jr. High Plane Crash, Traveling in Mexico, French Riviera Restaurant (Los Cabos) and much more.