THE SOCIAL NETWORK--Directed by David Fincher. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Rooney Mara, Bryan Barter/screenplay written by Aaron Sorkin, from the book The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich/ rated PG-13/2hrs
(G) Well, I just finished viewing this film not five hours ago, and less than one hour ago it won the Golden Globe for Best Drama. Naturally, everything that I have to say at this point should be taken with a grain of salt, for my hindsight has never been keener.
Nonetheless, I came home and immediately told Barbara (who did not view this film with me because she was more interested in watching the Red Carpet pre-show for the Globes) that this well could be the movie to beat in the Best Picture category. Now, of course my feeble prediction seems like genius, but truly I cannot help but analyze to death the fact that I was right. For, on the surface this film did not offer much in the way of action. Let’s face it. Here is a movie largely about college life. For those of you who went to college (and can remember the experience) the important moments of those few years take place inside classrooms, living rooms and on computer screens (if not merely in books). So, a movie that profiles the creation of Facebook, a social network created precisely to recreate the finer points of that experience, will center on studying, partying and scheming in classrooms, living rooms and other uninteresting places. Some people, in fact go to college just for the experience, and to meet members of the opposite (or same, as the case may be) sex. Much of the action either centered around programming, partying or giving depositions. There is only one major action sequence (a couple of guys zip line into a pool and break a chimney in the process). So, why do I give this movie four binoculars? The answer lay mostly in the script. Aaron Sorkin (West Wing fame) can make ANYTHING seem relevant and with this subject matter, it is not anything resembling a stretch. The film makes the audience feel the importance and impact of what Zuckerman created. It also shows us that no matter how much our technological advancements seem to change human interaction and the landscape of the delivery systems for information, we are all basically concerned with the same things that human beings have always been concerned with (love, social status, creativity, power and money). The performances are excellent and once again I have to say, this is the best year in films that I’ve seen in decades. I LOVED several of the films this year, but I am predicting now that this is the year of Social Network. It is SO pertinent in many ways. Keep these great scripts coming. I love the movies for remaining pertinent! There is nothing like them…yet.
P.S. This film also won Best Picture at the Critic's Choice Awards.
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