Noah—Directed by Darren
Aronofsky/ starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Logan Lerman/written by Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel/PG-13/137 min.
Bifocal Reviews Written by “Ageless1der” Barbara Rich & The Other Guy
(BR) I call this film, Noah
and the Lord of the Rings. I don’t know if director/writer Aronofsky could
make up his mind, which way he wanted to go. Was this speculative fantasy, or book-to-screen
Biblical? It’s clear to see that he put his own spin on it, and there’s nothing
wrong with that. Whether he was trying to attract a religious group, or a
younger movie going fan, I find no fault with the acting. The performances were
good. There were no particular standouts for me. However, I felt that it took
this particular story too long to get to the flood and the meat of the
conflict. The addition of a love story with Emma Watson, did not affect me either way. The beginning was very sketchy, with stumps of trees on the ground,
rock people and a barren land that somehow was sustaining human life. Being a
realist, I didn’t buy it. But then again, it may have been intended as a
fantasy. Others will have to answer for the fantasy buffs. I can’t give this
movie more than two and ½ binoculars.
(OG) I’m not much of a Biblical scholar. I mean, I’ve read
the book, but I’ve never really obsessed over it. However, from what I saw in
this film, I cannot understand the hoopla. It’s obvious that an outline of a
myth, with heavy allegorical intentions, was embellished upon with the same
exact purpose as the original tale. Good will triumph over Evil. God protects
the good and faithful and punishes the wicked. I thought it was interesting
that the some of the fallen angels had been turned to stone-people for helping
humanity, but there was probably a bit of Earth-First messaging hidden in the
new metaphors. After all, the “good” people also liked berries and were
vegetarians, while the evil ate meat, and incorrectly believed that humans are
so much like God that they have the right to kill. All in all, I found a few
holes in the modern story, just as I do in the Bible verses. The only real
surprise in this movie for me, was when I found out that one of the characters
I’d been watching (a lustful angel) was using the voice of Nick Nolte! I’ll
give this one three binoculars. I wasn’t bored and the acting was good.