While we were on our recent Caribbean cruise, the captain of the Celebrity Summit cruise ship gave a wonderful lecture, that amounted to a discussion of how he uses the five principles to guide the massive ship, and is that he is especially fond of conflict avoidance. Afterward, we asked him for his Message in a Bottle (which will be posted on L&L Magazine, and the education website, Vision-Revision. It is short and sweet. It appears below.
Ageless1der "Barbara Rich" and her intrepid husband, Gordon give you two reviews of everything Entertainment, Enjoyment and Travel.
Gordon & Barbara in Paris

Here's Looking at YOU
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Friday, January 3, 2014
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street— Directed by Martin Scorsese/starring Leonardo
DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Cristin Milioti/screenplay written by Terence
Winter from the autobiographical book by Jordan Belfort/3 hrs/rated R
Bifocal Reviews by Ageless1der,
Barbara Rich & The Other Guy
(BR) Please, NO CHILDREN! NO TEENS! This is borderline porn,
and I’m not sure about the border. We need better border patrol! Having said
that, The Wolf On Wall Street is a great tribute to the real truth about decadence in this era
of brokerage scams and bank shenanigans. I guess I’ve been subtly aware of the
“F&^%B^#S” that goes on in Wall Street, but the extremes that this movie
takes you to really wakes you up to the reality of how far some will go for the
sole purpose of making money. The Jordan Belfort character is worshiped by his
followers offering nothing more, at the end of anyone’s rainbow, except making
money without regard for rules, regulations, or morality. DiCaprio’s
performance is riveting. In fact, there are no weak performances in this movie.
I even thought Cristin Milioti was beautiful as Belfort’s first wife. I was
also struck by the incredible amount of dialogue that DiCaprio had to memorize.
He was in almost every scene, and once you get a salesman talking, there is no
stopping him. The truth of the matter is that nobody wants to see a criminal
glorified, but it’s hard not to allow yourself an appreciation of a guy who
could sell an ice cube to an Eskimo, and make the Eskimo think about going into
the ice cube selling business. The real life Belfort only served 22 months for
his crimes and kept a bundle of his money. I hesitate to give this one five
binoculars, but four and a half seems fair…except for DiCaprio. In a year when
male performances excel, I think that he should win an Oscar.
(OG) Sex, drugs and all the excesses that go along with a
lifestyle that puts making money above everything else, is what this movie is
about. I am glad someone made a film that deals honestly with this theme, but I
don’t know how Martin Scorsese got away with an R rating. Wolf stretches the
credulity of the rating system. It opens with Leo DiCaprio blowing a
cocaine-like substance up the anus of a young woman’s backside. Yes, that is
the OPENING SCENE. From there, you see Jonah Hill masturbate at an office party
(he’s not trying to conceal anything, either) and while the characters discard
any semblance of social contribution, (with orgies and wild partying that would
make Dionysus blush) the audience is heartily entertained. It was one of those
films where you can’t decide if it’s a comedy or a tragedy, but most in the
audience didn’t really care. Please, don’t get me wrong. I loved this movie. I
thought the acting, directing, and editing were superb. I’ve always been a fan
of DiCaprio (and Scorsese for that matter). Maybe this will be Leonardo’s year
for awards. He certainly has some stiff competition though, but in his role of
Jordan Belfort, I don’t think anyone could have done better. The only problems
for him clinching an award or two come in the form of some very steep and
talented competition and an uneasiness that permeates the theater as the viewer
nears the third hour. How much is too much? This true story doesn’t give us an
answer, but at least it appears to ask
the question. I give this one, four and a half binoculars with five for Leo, as
well as my vote for best actor in a very, very tight race.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
American Hustle
American Hustle--Directed by David O. Russell/starring
Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy
Renner/written by Eric Warren Singer and David O. Russell/ 138 min/rated R
Bifocal Reviews written by Ageless1der, Barbara Rich & The Other Guy
(BR) American
Hustle has a wild, crazy kind of energy and it keeps you chasing after
something but you don’t know exactly what. This is a 1970’s story about ABSCAM,
con artist scams and bribery schemes that were newsworthy, at the time. The fashion
and the hairstyles is what amazed me. I thoroughly enjoyed going back in time
to bad comb-overs, perms, and puffy pompadours. The hair stylist alone deserves
an Oscar. And those barely there dresses! I don’t know how those girls kept them
on. This was a great, dynamic ensemble, too. But make no mistake, Christian
Bale and Amy Adams were the nucleus of this team. I also have to mention that I
was thrilled with the selection of songs. I found myself dancing in my seat
while listening to this mix of ’70 tunes, which afforded me the luxury of
nostalgia. Jennifer Lawrence again,
proves her versatility, adding a New Jersey housewife to her litany of
characterizations. Jeremy Renner nailed the mayor-role, and this is the best
acting I’ve seen him do. Bradley Cooper’s role as a government agent is all
over the place, with an ego that propels his character to extremes. In
conclusion, I give this film four binoculars.
(OG) I couldn’t help but compare this movie to The
Sting, the Robert Redford/Paul Newman classic, and I’m certain that a
Sting-look-alike comparison will not offend either Singer or Russell. They did
a great job writing this snug script. It was nice to see Jeremy Renner doing a
different kind of acting than he’s had a chance to do in previous films, and
Christian Bale was phenomenal, and completely immersed in his character (even
gaining some weight to fill in his pot-belly). Both Adams and Lawrence
demonstrate their versatility and Bradley Cooper’s character—a complex and
creative cop character—allows him to deliver a full spectrum of emotions. I
think we’ll see this ensemble cast working together in the future, as a kind of
male/female rat pack without the need of a “chairperson of the board.” I agree, this is a four binocular film, with
a possible five for Christian Bale. I expect his name to be at the top of the
awards lists throughout the season.
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