Do you believe you can make a difference in the world?
Do you believe you have a mission that will make our home a better place?
Do you believe we are all connected and what one person does; makes a difference?
If you answer yes to one or all of the questions, it is your responsibility to share your message, product or service with other people who are in desperate need of what you offer.
Most people want to make a difference; they believe they came here to fulfill a mission that would make the world a better place. Since you are on my list, I believe you are a spirit being with an important message to share. Often, people like you either work for yourself or dream of that freedom as you are overflowing from the corporate box. Plus, if you are like me, you do not want anyone telling you how to spend your day.
In order to be successful in your life it is crucial to establish genuine connection using an ever-changing system of technology and networking strategies.
Perhaps you like to get up and journal, take the dog to the park, exercise, hike, garden, or volunteer, or you fill in the blank. Working for someone else 9-5 just doesn’t match. The old forms are crumbling; now is a perfect time to set your plan into action, no matter if you are already an entrepreneur, self-employed, or considering making a jump.
Join us for a Free Tele-summit called Building Authentic Relationships (BAR) beginning on August 21, at 11am PST and I am a guest speaker. My talk is Thursday, September 20 at 3pm PDT (5pm CDT, 6pm EDT) and is entitled Five Principles of Everything including Authentic Relationships. I encourage you to attend this valuable tele-summit. Plus, it is online so you can listen from the comfort of your own home.
Ready to sign up? Visit
Benefits of the call:
· Learn from 20 self-employed experts who will share about their business strategy.
· Learn about networking and social media engagement
· Gain insight into your own Business Archetype
· Get networking support and start Building Authentic Relationships in our private networking group on FB
· Save $100 on a 4-week online group workshop that will help you launch your business based on your Business Archetype and Lifestyle needs. Learn more:
The time is NOW. People everywhere are waking up. Everyone is a precise instrument in the change. Through our collective effort, we will make our world a better place.
Renee Baribeau, known internationally as The Practical Shaman, has been a forerunner, known to her community as a catalyst for change. Over the past 8 years she has build an Online Resource Directory, which has networks throughout the world.
Now she has gathered 20 experts who will share with you their life’s mission and how they have successfully integrated their life work into a lifestyle that works for them. Renee has developed a system for identifying your unique Business Archetype and has hand-selected individuals who will model these ideas to help you discover your own unique business/lifestyle blend.
The calls are absolutely FREE and will be recorded for convenient playback for 48 hours following the call. In addition, you will have an option to purchase all the calls for your training library. First you must register here:
Thank you for your support and for taking the first step.
Gordon Richiusa